

  1. pari, muutama

  2. pariskunta

Liittyvät sanat: pair



perhe, pari, pariskunta, valtapari, DINK, kaksi, 2, II, kaksikko, parivaljakko, härkäpari, säepari, distikon, duo, duetto, dyadi.

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Englannin sanakirja

couple (englanti > suomi)

  1. pari, pariskunta

  2. following noun in partitive pari

couple englanniksi

  1. Two partners in a romantic or sexual relationship.

  2. 1729, (w), (w)

  3. I calculate there may be about two hundred thousand couple whose wives are breeders; (..)
  4. Two of the same kind connected or considered together.

  5. 1839, (w), (w)

  6. (..)couple of tables; one of which bore some preparations for supper; while, on the other (..)
  7. puhekieltä A small number.

  8. A couple of billiard balls, all mud and dirt, two battered hats, a champagne bottle (..)
  9. 1891, (w), (w)

  10. ‘Oh, merely a couple of hundred a year, but the work is slight, and it need not interfere very much with one’s other occupations.’
  11. 1902, (w), Across Coveted Lands:

  12. When we got on board again after a couple of hours on shore(..)
  13. (quote-book)|chapter=1

  14. (quote-book)|title=(w)|chapter=1

  15. One of the pairs of plates of two metals which compose a voltaic battery, called a voltaic couple or galvanic couple.

  16. puhekieltä Two forces that are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction (and acting along parallel lines), thus creating the turning effect of a torque or moment.

  17. puhekieltä A couple-close.

  18. puhekieltä That which joins or links two things together; a bond or tie; a coupler.

  19. (w) (1616-1704)

  20. It is in some sort with friends as it is with dogs in couples; they should be of the same size and humour.
  21. (w) (1564-1616)

  22. I'll go in couples with her.
  23. puhekieltä two Two or (a) small number of.

  24. (quote-book)" He trailed off.

  25. (quote-book)

  26. puhekieltä A small number of.

  27. puhekieltä two Two or a few.

  28. (quote-journal)

  29. puhekieltä To join (two things) together, or (one thing) to (another).

  30. Now the conductor will couple the train cars.

    Ive coupled our system to theirs.''

  31. puhekieltä To join in wedlock; to marry.

  32. (rfdat), w:Jonathan Swift|Jonathan Swift

  33. A parson who couples all our beggars.
  34. puhekieltä To join in sexual intercourse; to copulate.

  35. 1987 Alan Norman Bold & Robert Giddings, Who was really who in fiction, Longman

  36. On their wedding night they coupled nine times.
  37. 2001 John Fisher & Geoff Garvey, The rough guide to Crete, p405

  38. She had the brilliant inventor and craftsman Daedalus construct her an artificial cow, in which she hid and induced the bull to couple with her ...
  39. two partners in a romantic or sexual relationship

  40. Jean et Amélie forment un joli couple. - Jean and Amélie make a cute couple

  41. puhekieltä a force (l); a pure moment

  42. puhekieltä an ordered pair

  43. puhekieltä An accessory used to tightly attach two animals next to each other by the neck.

  44. puhekieltä a pair of something.

  45. puhekieltä a (l) of something, not to be mistaken as a few.

  46. (l) (two things)

  47. sexual liaison
