

  1. (auran) veitsi



auran terä, kiila.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

colter englanniksi

  1. A knife or cutter attached to the beam of a plow to cut the sward, in advance of the plowshare and moldboard.

  2. 1596, (w), The Faerie Queene, VI.9:

  3. I lately left a furrow, one or twayne, / Unplough'd, the which my coulter hath not cleft .
  4. 1644, (w), Aeropagitica:

  5. What is it but a servitude like that impos'd by the Philistims, not to be allow'd the sharpning of our own axes and coulters, but we must repair from all quarters to twenty licencing forges.
  6. The part of a seed drill that makes the furrow for the seed.
