


pyykkinaru, köysi, naru.

Rimmaavat sanat

clothesline rimmaa näiden kanssa:

deadline, teline, kirjateline, taakkateline, kukkateline, tavarateline, karttateline, suksiteline, nuottiteline, vetoteline...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

clothesline (englanti > suomi)

  1. pyykkinaru

  2. ottaa niskalenkki">ottaa niskalenkki

clothesline englanniksi

  1. A rope or cord tied up outdoors to hang clothes on so they can dry

  2. Hang this towel out on the clothesline for me.

  3. To knock (a person) over by striking his or her upper body or neck with one's arm, as if he or she had run into a low clothesline.

  4. The ref called a personal foul, when he clotheslined the running back.
