

  1. yhteys|eläintiede|k=en yhteissuoli, kloaakki



laskuputki, salaojaputki, viemäriputki, syöksytorvi, viemäri, viemäröinti, kloaakki, ontelo, cavum, yhteissuoli.

Englannin sanakirja

cloaca (englanti > suomi)

  1. kloaakki

cloaca englanniksi

  1. A sewer (label).

  2. *1773, Gentlemans Magazine'', No. 43, p. 598:

  3. The Thames, polluted with the filthy effusions of the cloacae.
  4. *1850, w:Thomas Carlyle|Thomas Carlyle, Latter-day Pamphlets, Ch. iv, p. 46:

  5. ...that tremendous cloaca of pauperism Pauperism...

  6. puhekieltä The duct in reptiles, amphibians and birds, as well as most fish and some mammals, which serves as the common outlet for urination, defecation, and reproduction.

  7. *1822, John Mason Good, The Study of Medicine, Vol. I, p. 7:

  8. In birds the rectum, at the termination of its canal, forms an oval or elongated pouch... and then expands into a cavity, which has been named cloaca.
  9. An outhouse or lavatory.

  10. 1840, Frederick Marryat, Olla Podrida, Ch. xxiv:

  11. To every house... a cloaca.
  12. (label) A duct through which gangrenous material escapes a body.

  13. *1846, Frederick Brittan translating Joseph François Malgaigne as Manual of Operative Surgery, p. 172

  14. Across this shell sc. of bone small holes are eaten, by which the matter escapes, and which are called cloacae (Weidmann).
  15. sewer

  16. cesspit, cesspool

  17. puhekieltä English cloaca

  18. A sewer or underground drain

  19. puhekieltä The stomach of a drunken or voracious woman

  20. puhekieltä (l) (gloss)

  21. sewer, storm drain
