

  1. sirkadiaaninen


circadian rhythm – elimistön sisäinen vuorokausirytmi

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Englannin sanakirja

circadian englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä of, relating to, or showing rhythmic behaviour with a period of 24 hours; especially of a biological process

  2. 2000, Arnold Sameroff, et al., Handbook of Developmental Psychopathology, page 310

  3. The circadian clock is involved in the regulation of the diurnal sleep-wake cycle, .
  4. 2002, Jill B. Becker, Behavioral Endocrinology, page 483

  5. To summarize, the circadian system, particularly the SCN, controls the circadian pattern of melatonin release in mammals.
  6. 2005, Paul Martin, Counting Sheep: The Science and Pleasures of Sleep and Dreams, page 114

  7. The most obvious circadian rhythm is the daily cycle of sleep and activity.
  8. (quote-journal) (Weekend)|date=5 April 2014|page=W22|passage=Circadian clocks developed early in evolution in single-celled organisms, before the animal and plant kingdom split from one another. The original clocks probably functioned to protect the cells from damage induced by high UV radiation.
