

  1. (ajan)jakso, kausi, periodi

  2. oppitunti

  3. kuukautiset

  4. yhteys|amerikanenglantia|kanadanenglantia|k=en piste


each period

Liittyvät sanat: razdoblje, vremenski interval



välimerkki, piste, ellipsi, kolme pistettä, eritys, vuoto, erittyminen, runsas kuukautisvuoto, hypermenorroea, menstruaatio, kuukautiset, kuukautiskierto, kuukautisvuoto, oligomenorrea.

Liittyvät sanat: periodeittain, periodi, periodinen, periodiopetus, periodisesti, periodisuus.

Rimmaavat sanat

period rimmaa näiden kanssa:

junk food, fast food, non-food...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

period (englanti > suomi)

  1. piste

  2. kestoaika

  3. päätepiste

  4. aika, ajanjakso

  5. lause

  6. jakso, ajanjakso, aika

  7. jakso

  8. hetki, ajankohta

  9. kausi

  10. tunti

  11. erä

period englanniksi

  1. appropriate Appropriate for a given historical era.

  2. 2004, Mark Singer, Somewhere in America, Houghton Mifflin, page 70:

  3. As the guests arrived — there were about a hundred, a majority in period attire — I began to feel out of place in my beige summer suit, white shirt, and red necktie. Then I got over it. I certainly didn't suffer from Confederate-uniform envy.
  4. puhekieltä Set in and designed to evoke a particular historical period, especially through the use of elaborate costumes and scenery.

  5. puhekieltä And nothing else; and nothing less; used for emphasis.

  6. When I say "eat your dinner," it means "eat your dinner," period!

  7. A length of time. (defdate)

  8. (ux)

  9. {{quote-journal|date=December 14, 2011|author=Steven Morris|work=Guardian

  10. A period of time in history seen as a single coherent entity; an epoch, era. (defdate)

  11. (quote-book)|chapter=7

  12. puhekieltä The punctuation mark “.” (indicating the ending of a sentence or marking an abbreviation).

  13. The length of time during which the same characteristics of a periodic phenomenon recur, such as the repetition of a wave or the rotation of a planet. (defdate)

  14. Female menstruation. (defdate)

  15. A section of an artist's, writer's (etc.) career distinguished by a given quality, preoccupation etc. (defdate)

  16. Each of the divisions into which a school day is split, allocated to a given subject or activity. (defdate)

  17. puhekieltä Each of the intervals into which various sporting events are divided. (defdate)

  18. puhekieltä The length of time for a disease to run its course. (defdate)

  19. An end or conclusion; the final point of a process etc. (defdate)

  20. (RQ:Flr Mntgn Essay), II.3:

  21. All comes to one period, whether man make an end of himselfe, or whether he endure it(nb..).
  22. Milton

  23. So spake the archangel Michael; then paused, / As at the world's great period.
  24. Jeremy Taylor

  25. evils which shall never end till eternity hath a period
  26. Shakespeare

  27. This is the period of my ambition.
  28. puhekieltä A complete sentence, especially one expressing a single thought or making a balanced, rhythmic whole. (defdate)

  29. Ben Jonson

  30. Periods are beautiful when they are not too long.
  31. 1644, (w), Aeropagitica:

  32. that such iron moulds as these shall have autority to knaw out the choicest periods of exquisitest books, and to commit such a treacherous fraud against the orphan remainders of worthiest men after death, the more sorrow will belong to that haples race of men, whose misfortune it is to have understanding.
  33. puhekieltä A specific moment during a given process; a point, a stage. (defdate)

  34. 1720, Alexander Pope, translating Homer, Iliad, Book IV (note 125):

  35. The Death of Patroclus was the most eminent Period; and consequently the most proper Time for such Games.
  36. puhekieltä A row in the periodic table of the elements. (defdate)

  37. puhekieltä A subdivision of an era, typically lasting from tens to hundreds of millions of years, see Appendix:Geologic_timescale Appendix: Geologic timescale.

  38. puhekieltä A Drosophila gene which gene product is involved in regulation of the circadian rhythm.

  39. {{quote-journal

  40. 2009 {{cite-web

  41. puhekieltä Two phrases (an antecedent phrase|antecedent and a consequent phrase|consequent phrase).

  42. puhekieltä One of several similar sets of figures or terms usually marked by points or commas placed at regular intervals, as in numeration, in the extraction of roots, and in recurring decimals.

  43. puhekieltä To come to a period; to conclude.

  44. Owen Felltham

  45. For you may period upon this, that where there is the most pity for others, there is the greatest misery in the party pitied.
  46. To put an end to.

  47. (rfquotek)

  48. periodEnglish period (of time)

  49. a English period, a limited amount of time
