

  1. juustomainen

  2. ylitunteellinen, kliseinen


a cheesy movie

Liittyvät sanat: clichéd



ala-arvoinen, kehno, huono, köykäinen, mauton, kurja, surkea, rähjäinen, tökerö, puhekielen ilmaus, arkikielen ilmaus.

Rimmaavat sanat

cheesy rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

cheesy (englanti > suomi)

  1. juustomainen

cheesy englanniksi

  1. Of or relating to cheese.

  2. This sandwich is full of cheesy goodness.

  3. Resembling, or containing cheese.

  4. 1949, (w), (w), Part One, Chapter 8,

  5. He pushed open the door, and a hideous cheesy smell of sour beer hit him in the face.
  6. 2005, (w), (w), translated by (w), New York: Everyman's Library, "Joseph in Egypt," Part 3, p. 633,

  7. He saw skin of every shade, from obsidian black through all the stages of brown and yellow to cheesy white, he even saw yellow hair and azure-colored eyes, faces and garments of every cut—he saw humanity.


  8. puhekieltä cheap Cheap, of poor quality.

  9. 1968, (w), ''(w), translated by Michael Roloff, Bantam Books, 1970, Chapter One, p. 30,

  10. He would be apprenticed to some cheesy shop or become a clerk in an office and his entire life he would be one of the ordinary poor people, whom he despised and wanted to surpass.
  11. 1977, (w), Journals: Early Fifties, Early Sixties, edited by Gordon Ball, New York: Grove Press, "June 17, 1952," p. 19,

  12. I tagged along behind this culturally accomplished beast intelligence in my scuffed handmedown shoes, unpressed illfitting post adolescent suit, dirt ringed shirt and cheesy tie, hair askew and book underarm, perspiring perhaps.
  13. puhekieltä overdramatic Overdramatic, excessively emotional or clichéd, trite, contrived.

  14. ..., Michael Clarkson, The Secret Life of (w): A Genius in Love, Toronto: ECW Press, Chapter Four, p. 54,

  15. Another night, when the local entertainers had gone home, Gould went into the empty lounge to play piano with a cheesy string of colored lights overhead and bongo drums at his side.
  16. (qualifier) exaggerated Exaggerated and likely to be forced or insincere.

  17. 2008, Jeff Spanke, Second Hand Out (page 86)

  18. Needless to say, toward the end of Martin's first term, the relationship he once enjoyed with President Waverly had evolved into a slapdash charade of cheap promises and cheesy smiles.
  19. 2012, Ginny Felch, Photographing Children Photo Workshop

  20. There is something about 5- and 6-year-olds that makes them ever-ready to pose with the big, cheesy grin with no provocation.
