

  1. makea

  2. ihana



sokerinen, makea.


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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

sweet (englanti > suomi)

  1. makea

  2. makea, imelä, äitelä, sokerinen

  3. makea, makeutettu

  4. miellyttävä, ihana, suloinen, hyväntuoksuinen

  5. raikas

  6. ihana, miellyttävä, pehmeä

  7. herttainen, suloinen, mukava

  8. ystävällinen, auttavainen, herttainen

  9. puhdas

  10. makea, makee, siisti

  11. ihanasti, hellästi

  12. makeinen, karamelli, karkki, namu

sweet englanniksi

  1. Having a pleasant taste, especially one relating to the basic taste sensation induced by sugar.

  2. a sweet apple

  3. Having a taste of sugar.

  4. Containing a sweetening ingredient.

  5. puhekieltä Retaining a portion of sugar.

  6. Sweet wines are better dessert wines.

  7. Not having a salty taste.

  8. sweet butter

  9. 1821, Robert Thomas, The modern practice of physic

  10. Nothing has been found so effectual for preserving water sweet at sea, during long voyages, as charring the insides of the casks well before they are filled.
  11. Having a pleasant smell.

  12. a sweet scent

  13. Longfellow

  14. The breath of these flowers is sweet to me.
  15. Not decaying, fermented, rancid, sour, spoiled, or stale.

  16. sweet milk

  17. Having a pleasant sound.

  18. a sweet tune

  19. Nathaniel Hawthorne

  20. a voice sweet, tremulous, but powerful
  21. Having a pleasing disposition.

  22. a sweet child

  23. Having a helpful disposition.

  24. It was sweet of him to help out.

  25. puhekieltä Free from excessive unwanted substances like acid or sulphur.

  26. sweet soil

    sweet crude oil

  27. puhekieltä Very pleasing; agreeable.

  28. The new Lexus was a sweet birthday gift.

  29. {{quote-journal|date=November 14, 2014

  30. (anchor)puhekieltä romantic Romantically fixated, enamored (followed by (m)), fond (followed by (m)).

  31. The attraction was mutual and instant; they were sweet on one another from first sight.

  32. puhekieltä fresh Fresh; not salt or brackish.

  33. sweet water


  34. Pleasing to the eye; beautiful; mild and attractive; fair.

  35. a sweet face; a sweet colour or complexion

  36. Milton

  37. Sweet interchange / Of hill and valley, rivers, woods, and plains.
  38. In a sweet manner.

  39. puhekieltä The basic taste sensation induced by sugar.

  40. puhekieltä A confection made from sugar, or high in sugar content; a candy.

  41. puhekieltä A food eaten for dessert.

  42. Can we see the sweet menu, please?

  43. sweetheart; darling.

  44. Ben Jonson

  45. Wherefore frowns my sweet?
  46. puhekieltä That which is sweet or pleasant in odour; a perfume.

  47. a wilderness of sweets
  48. puhekieltä That which is pleasing or welcome to the mind.

  49. the sweets of domestic life
