

  1. edunsaaja, avustuksen saaja

Liittyvät sanat: benefactor



semanttinen rooli, edunsaaja, hyödynsaaja, testamentinsaaja, vastaanottaja, saaja, lahjansaaja, lahjoituksen saaja, toinen edunsaaja, legataari.

Rimmaavat sanat

beneficiary rimmaa näiden kanssa:

henry, sherry, sorry, curry, kärry, ostoskärry, peräkärry, country, jury, treasury...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

beneficiary (englanti > suomi)

  1. perillinen (estate); edunsaaja (general)

beneficiary englanniksi

  1. One who benefits or receives an advantage.

  2. You are the lucky beneficiary of this special offer.

  3. {{quote-journal|date=September 7, 2012

  4. puhekieltä One who benefits from the distribution, especially of an estate.

  5. If any beneficiary does not survive the Settlor for a period of 30 days then the Trustee shall distribute that beneficiary’s share to the surviving beneficiaries by right of representation.

  6. Holding some office or valuable possession, in subordination to another; holding under a feudal or other superior; having a dependent and secondary possession.

  7. Francis Bacon

  8. a feudatory or beneficiary king of England
  9. Bestowed as a gratuity.

  10. beneficiary gifts
