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Englannin sanakirja

yahoo englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A rough, coarse, loud or uncouth person; yokel; lout.

  2. puhekieltä A humanoid cryptid said to exist in parts of eastern Australia, and also reported in the Bahamas.

  3. 1835, James Holman, Travels, quoted by Malcolm Smith, Bunyips and Bigfoots (Millenium Books, 1996, ISBN 1-86429-081-1), who notes that the Australian sense almost certainly derives from Gullivers Travels, despite Holmans report

  4. The natives are greatly terrrified by the sight of a person in a mask calling him "devil" or Yah-hoo, which signifies evil spirit.
  5. 1985, Michael Raynal, Yahoos in the Bahamas, Cryptozoology'', volume 4:

  6. An exclamation of joy.

  7. A battle cry.
