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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

’ englanniksi

  1. Used as a quotation mark in some languages.

  2. ‘ ’

  3. ’ ‘

  4. ’ ’

  5. ‚ ’

  6. puhekieltä Transliteration of the soft sign (ь), indicating palatalization of preceding consonants.

  7. puhekieltä Transliteration of the glottal stop (hamza).

  8. A glottal stop in the orthography of numerous languages of America, Africa, and formerly the Pacific. In most Polynesian languages, the convention has shifted to the okina <ʻ>.

  9. puhekieltä A substitute for the diacritic ʼ used in the International Phonetic Alphabet for ejective and other glottalized consonants.

  10. Indicating the non-palatalization of the preceding consonant before a soft vowel.

  11. Representing the apostrophe in names transliterated from the Roman alphabet, for example Кот-д’Івуар (Côte d’Ivoire).
