

  1. hylky

  2. auton romu

  3. ihmisraunio

Liittyvät sanat: wrecker



alus, laiva, laivan hylky, hylky, onnettomuus, tapaturma, vahinko, haveri, paha liikenneonnettomuus, tuho, kolari, maahansyöksy, haaksirikko, kaatuminen.

Rimmaavat sanat

wreck rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

wreck (englanti > suomi)

  1. raunio, ihmisraunio

  2. romu, raato, jäännös|alt=jäännökset, hylky

  3. törmäys, yhteentörmäys, kolari

  4. tuhota, särkeä, romuttaa

  5. tuhota, särkeä

  6. romuttaa

wreck englanniksi

  1. Something or someone that has been ruined.

  2. He was an emotional wreck after the death of his wife.

  3. The remains of something that has been severely damaged or worn down.

  4. Cowper

  5. To the fair haven of my native home, / The wreck of what I was, fatigued I come.
  6. An event in which something is damaged through collision.

  7. Addison

  8. the wreck of matter and the crush of worlds
  9. Spenser

  10. Hard and obstinate / As is a rock amidst the raging floods, / 'Gainst which a ship, of succour desolate, / Doth suffer wreck, both of herself and goods.
  11. J. R. Green

  12. Its intellectual life was thus able to go on amidst the wreck of its political life.
  13. puhekieltä goods Goods, etc. cast ashore by the sea after a shipwreck.

  14. (rfquotek)

  15. To destroy violently; to cause severe damage to something, to a point where it no longer works, or is useless.

  16. He wrecked the car in a collision.

    That adulterous hussy wrecked my marriage!

  17. Shakespeare

  18. Supposing that they saw the king's ship wrecked.
  19. To ruin or dilapidate.

  20. (Australian English|Australia) To dismantle wrecked vehicles or other objects, to reclaim any useful parts.

  21. To involve in a wreck; hence, to cause to suffer ruin; to balk of success, and bring disaster on.

  22. Daniel

  23. Weak and envied, if they should conspire, / They wreck themselves.
