

  1. kelpo, kelvollinen, (kunniotuksen, kehujen, huomion) arvoinen, arvokas, kelpaava


a worthy novel

worthy of notice

You are worthy!

Liittyvät sanat: creditworthy, newsworthy, praiseworthy, seaworthy, roadworthy, trustworthy



sopiva, tavoittelemisen arvoinen, kelvollinen, sovelias, suotava, varteenotettava, toivottava, kunnioitettava, arvostettu.

Rimmaavat sanat

worthy rimmaa näiden kanssa:

vichy, syyhy, möyhy, röyhy, jäähy...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

worthy englanniksi

  1. having worth, merit{{, or value

  2. Shakespeare

  3. These banished men that I have kept withal / Are men endued with worthy qualities.
  4. Sir J. Davies

  5. This worthy mind should worthy things embrace.
  6. honourable or admirable

  7. deserving, or having sufficient worth

  8. Suited; befitting.

  9. No, Warwick, thou art worthy of the sway.
  10. Bible, Matthew iii. 11

  11. (..) whose shoes I am not worthy to bear.
  12. Milton

  13. And thou art worthy that thou shouldst not know / More happiness.
  14. Dryden

  15. The lodging is well worthy of the guest.
  16. a distinguished or eminent person

  17. puhekieltä To render or treat as worthy; exalt; revere; honour; esteem; respect; value; reward; adore.

  18. William Shakespeare, King Lear

  19. And put upon him such a deal of man,
    That worthied him, got praises of the king (..)
  20. 1880, Sir Norman Lockyer, Nature:

  21. After having duly paid his addresses to it, he generally spends some time on the marble slab in front of the looking-glass, but without showing the slightest emotion at the sight of his own reflection, or worthying it with a song.
  22. 1908, Edward Arthur Brayley Hodgetts, The court of Russia in the nineteenth century:

  23. And it is a poor daub besides," the Emperor rejoined scornfully, as he stalked out of the gallery without worthying the artist with a look.
  24. 1910, Charles William Eliot, The Harvard classics: Beowulf:

  25. No henchman he worthied by weapons, if witness his features, his peerless presence!
  26. (l)
