


kela, puola, rulla, mekaaninen laite, kellon vetonuppi, vetonuppi.

Rimmaavat sanat

winder rimmaa näiden kanssa:

cheerleader, outsider...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

winder englanniksi

  1. A textile worker, or machine, that winds cloth

  2. A spool around which something is wound

  3. A key or knob for winding a clock, watch or clockwork mechanism

  4. One of the steps of a spiral staircase (as opposed to a flyer, or straight step).

  5. puhekieltä A blow that winds somebody, or takes away their breath.

  6. 1913, w:D. H. Lawrence|D.H. Lawrence, s:Sons_and_Lovers Sons and Lovers, s:Sons and Lovers/Chapter VIII|chapter 8

  7. "Well!" exclaimed the miner. "That's a winder." He considered it a moment, said "H'm!" and proceeded with his dinner. Suddenly his face contracted with wrath. "I hope he may never set foot i' my house again," he said.
  8. To fan; to clean grain with a fan.

  9. (eye dialect)

  10. 1868, Ann Sophia Stephens, Doubly False

  11. That accounts for my having the dress, but it don't account for the piece that you left sticking to the rose-bush under Mrs. Lander's bed-room winder, which piece I took off that morning, and which piece I matched with the dress after you pitched it at me over them bannisters (..)
