

  1. kieppua

  2. pyryttää, pöllytä, tuiskuta, tupruta

Liittyvät sanat: whirlpool, whirlwind



liikehdintä, liike, humu, hälinä, pyöreä muoto, pyörähdys, pyörre, kierre, kiemura, pyöriä, kiertää, kääntyä, pyöriä ympäri, pyörähdellä, kieppua, pyöriä kuin hyrrä, solista, pyörteillä, virrata.

Englannin sanakirja

whirl englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To rotate, revolve, spin or turn rapidly.

  2. (ux)

  3. (w) (1631-1700)

  4. He whirls his sword around without delay.
  5. 1900, (w), (w)

  6. The house whirled around two or three times and rose slowly through the air. Dorothy felt as if she were going up in a balloon.
  7. puhekieltä To have a sensation of spinning or reeling.

  8. puhekieltä To make something or someone whirl.

  9. puhekieltä To remove or carry quickly with, or as with, a revolving motion; to snatch.

  10. (w) (1608-1674)

  11. See, see the chariot, and those rushing wheels, / That whirled the prophet up at Chebar flood.
  12. (w) (1809-1892)

  13. The passionate heart of the poet is 'whirld''' into folly.
  14. An act of whirling.

  15. She gave the top a whirl and it spun across the floor.

  16. Something that whirls.

  17. A confused tumult.

  18. A rapid series of events.

  19. My life is one social whirl.

  20. dizziness Dizziness or giddiness.

  21. (qualifier) A brief experiment or trial.

  22. OK, lets give it a whirl.''
