


vastuuntunnottomuus, vastuuttomuus, häilyväisyys, sattumanvaraisuus, oikullisuus, oikukkuus, arvaamattomuus, oikuttelu, mielivaltaisuus, idea, ajatus, aatos, päähänpisto, oikku, hetken mielijohde.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

whimsy (englanti > suomi)

  1. oikku

  2. oikuttelija

whimsy englanniksi

  1. A quaint and fanciful idea; a whim; playfully odd behaviour.

  2. Ray

  3. the whimsies of poets and painters
  4. Jonathan Swift

  5. men's folly, whimsies, and inconstancy.
  6. Bancroft

  7. mistaking the whimseys of a feverish brain for the calm revelation of truth
  8. {{quote-journal

  9. An impulsive, illogical or capricious character.

  10. puhekieltä A whim (qual).

  11. A jigsaw puzzle piece that has been cut into a recognizable shape, as if on a whim; often the shape is representative of the theme of the image used for the puzzle.

  12. "Dori, you have to solve this puzzle!" "Sure, right away doctor. Quality construction... clean edges. Oh, a whimsy!" (Television show Childrens Hospital'', Season 7, Episode 2, 2016)

  13. puhekieltä To fill with whimsies or whims; to make fantastic; to craze.

  14. J. Fletcher

  15. To have a man's brain whimsied with his wealth.
