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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

vulpine englanniksi

  1. Pertaining to a fox.

  2. 1910, (w), ‘The Bag’, Reginald in Russia:

  3. She dared not raise her eyes above the level of the tea-table, and she almost expected to see a spot of accusing vulpine blood drip down and stain the whiteness of the cloth.
  4. Having the characteristics of a fox, foxlike; cunning.

  5. Any of certain canids called foxes (including the true foxes, the arctic fox and the grey fox); distinguished from the canines, which are regarded as similar to the dog and wolf.

  6. 1980, Michael Wilson Fox, The Soul of the Wolf, unnumbered page,

  7. The family Canidae consists of two main subgroups, the vulpines (foxes) and the canines (wolves, coyotes, jackals, and dogs), and some intermediate “fox-dog” forms from South America.
  8. A person considered vulpine (cunning); a fox.

  9. (feminine singular of)

  10. (inflection of)
