

  1. suosio, menestys, muoti


en vogue – muodissa



maku, arvostus, arvostelukyky, tarkkanäköisyys, muoti, trendi, tyyli, muotisuuntaus, villitys, New Look, muotivirtaus, hyväksyntä, suosio.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

vogue (englanti > suomi)

  1. muoti

  2. villitys, muoti

vogue englanniksi

  1. the prevailing fashion or style

  2. Miniskirts were the vogue in the 60s.''

  3. popularity or a current craze

  4. Hula hoops are no longer in vogue.

  5. 1860, Albrecht Daniel Thaer, The Principles of Practical Agriculture

  6. The rotation of nine years with two fallowings, which was formerly so much in vogue, is now seldom or never to be met with; it was, however, productive of very fine crops of corn on tenacious soils which require a great deal of tillage.
  7. A highly stylized modern dance that evolved out of the Harlem ballroom scene in the 1960s.

  8. puhekieltä To dance in the vogue dance style.

  9. Noun vogue

  10. (inflection of)
