

  1. ruuvipenkki, ruuvipuristin



kannatinlaite, mekaanikon ruuvipenkki, ruuvipenkki metallin työstöön, ruuvipuristin, ruuvipihti, puristin.

Liittyvät sanat: viserrellä, viserrys, visertäjä, visertää.


  1. visertää: ilmiantaa / "laulaa" : Jonku on ollu pakko visertää, ei noi slurkit muute ois täällä.

Rimmaavat sanat

vise rimmaa näiden kanssa:

paise, mätäpaise, bavaroise...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

vise englanniksi

  1. A note or stamp entered in a passport or other document showing that it has been officially inspected; visa.

  2. 1839, A Hand-book for Travellers in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Russia, page 117:

  3. A minister cannot make any direct charge for giving or viséing a passport (though his porter always takes care to ask for something), whereas the Russian consul always charges a dollar banco for every visé.
  4. 1888, (w), The Modern Warning, s:The Aspern Papers, Louisa Pallant, The Modern Warning (1 volume, London & New York: Macmillan & Co., 1888)/The_Modern_Warning/Chapter_6271|Ch. 6:

  5. (..) promising her that he would not print a word to which her approval should not be expressly given. She should countersign every page before it went to press, and none should leave the house without her visé.
  6. puhekieltä To examine and endorse (a passport, etc.); to visa.

  7. 1872, Janet Millett, An Australian Parsonage, s:An_Australian_Parsonage/Chapter_XI244 Ch. XI:

  8. (..) unable to be abroad after ten at night, or to carry a gun, or to remove into another district without a written pass which must be visé on reaching a police-station.
  9. 1897, Popular Science Monthy, Vol. 51, June, "World's Geologists at St. Petersburg":

  10. Russian consuls everywhere have been instructed to visé passports of geologists presenting membership cards, which will also facilitate matters at the frontier.
  11. 1905, (w), The Czars Spy, s:The Czars Spy/10|Ch. 10:

  12. Therefore, with my passport properly viséd and my papers all in order, I one night left Hull for Stockholm by the weekly Wilson service.
  13. (past participle of)
