

  1. vastaan


A versus B.

Liittyvät sanat: vs, vs.



vastaan, verrattuna, vs..

Rimmaavat sanat

versus rimmaa näiden kanssa:

sus, kaasus, jeesus, partajeesus, reesus, rhesus, sisus, luksus, konsensus, lapsus...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

versus (englanti > suomi)

  1. vastaan

  2. verrattuna|alt=verrattuna siihen, että

versus englanniksi

  1. (non-gloss definition).

  2. against, in opposition to.

  3. It is the Packers versus the Steelers in the Super Bowl.

  4. compared with, as opposed to.

  5. {{quote-journal|date=November 7, 2012|author=Matt Bai|title=Winning a Second Term, Obama Will Confront Familiar Headwinds|work=New York Times|url=

  6. 2005, Robert E. Weiss, Modeling Longitudinal Data, Springer, ISBN 978-0-387-40271-0, page 104:

  7. If, for example, we select random people entering a workout gym, versus if we pick random people entering a hospital, we will get very different samples.
  8. Bringing a legal action against, as used in the title of a court case in which the first party indicates the plaintiff (or appellant or the like), and the second indicates the defendant (or respondent or the like).

  9. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kans.

  10. English versus

  11. turned, changed, having been turned.

  12. towards, turned to or in the direction of, facing

  13. a furrow (turned earth)

  14. a verse, a line

  15. (Q)

  16. (ux)

  17. puhekieltä a turn, step

  18. (inflection of)

  19. (alternative spelling of)

  20. versusEnglish versus

  21. Esta noche emitiremos a Alberto del Río versus John Cena en vivo. - Tonight, we'll be broadcasting Alberto del Rio vs. John Cena live.
