

  1. tuuletusaukko, venttiili

  2. purkautumisaukko (tulivuoren)

  3. halkio (vaatteen)



peräaukko, aukko, kolo, räppänä, savulukko, ilmareikä, tuuletusaukko, suu, portti, reikä.

Liittyvät sanat: ventata, ventilaatio, ventilaattori, ventiloida, ventilointi, ventovieras.


  1. ventta hoo: odotapas / hetki vain : Ventta hoo, tsekkaan viel tän yläskoben.

  2. venttaa: olla raskaana : Venttaaks se Lettu jo toista kersaa?

  3. ventterissä: melkoisessa humalassa

  4. ventti: haava / viilto : Kaide sai pahan ventin poskeen, ku se jätkä huitas sil skeglellä.

  5. ventti: väsynyt / uupunut : Mä oon ihan ventti, se oli ihan vikatikki lähtee dallaa himaan.

  6. ventti: korttipeli 21

Rimmaavat sanat

vent rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

vent (englanti > suomi)

  1. venttiili, aukko

  2. purkautumisaukko

  3. kloaakki, viemärisuoli

  4. purkaa

  5. purkaa tunteitaan

vent englanniksi

  1. An opening through which gases, especially air, can pass.

  2. the vent of a cask; the vent of a mould

  3. A small aperture.

  4. Shakespeare

  5. Look, how thy wounds do bleed at many vents.
  6. Alexander Pope

  7. Long 'twas doubtful, both so closely pent, / Which first should issue from the narrow vent.
  8. The opening of a volcano from which lava flows.

  9. A verbalized frustration.

  10. The excretory opening of lower orders of vertebrates.

  11. A slit in the seam of a garment.

  12. The opening at the breech of a firearm, through which fire is communicated to the powder of the charge; touchhole.

  13. In steam boilers, a sectional area of the passage for gases divided by the length of the same passage in feet.

  14. Opportunity of escape or passage from confinement or privacy; outlet.

  15. Emission; escape; passage to notice or expression; publication; utterance.

  16. Milton

  17. without the vent of words
    Thou didst make tolerable vent of thy travel.
  18. puhekieltä To allow gases to escape.

  19. The stove vents to the outside.

  20. puhekieltä To allow to escape through a vent.

  21. Exhaust is vented to the outside.

  22. puhekieltä To express a strong emotion.

  23. He vents his anger violently.

    Can we talk? I need to vent.

  24. 2013 June 18, w:Simon Romero|Simon Romero, " Protests Widen as Brazilians Chide Leaders," New York Times (retrieved 21 June 2013):

  25. But the demonstrators remained defiant, pouring into the streets by the thousands and venting their anger over political corruption, the high cost of living and huge public spending for the World Cup and the Olympics.
  26. To snuff; to breathe or puff out; to snort.

  27. (rfquotek)

  28. ventriloquism Ventriloquism.

  29. sale; opportunity to sell; market

  30. Sir W. Temple

  31. There is no vent for any commodity but of wool.
  32. To sell; to vend.

  33. Sir Walter Raleigh

  34. Therefore did those nations vent such spice.
  35. puhekieltä A baiting place; an inn.

  36. wind (movement of air).

  37. (imperative of)

  38. chap, fellow

  39. (nl-verb form of)

  40. Atmospheric wind.

  41. puhekieltä A flatulence.

  42. puhekieltä empty Empty words, hot air.

  43. Toutes ces promesses, cest du vent.'' — Those are empty promises.

  44. puhekieltä wind

  45. (form of)

  46. wind (gloss)

  47. (quote-book)
