

  1. huntu, verho

Liittyvät sanat: unveil



humeraali, huntu, messupuku, onnenhattu, sikiökalvo, kasvin osa, kasvin rakenne, kalvo, itiöemän ulkosuojus.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

veil (englanti > suomi)

  1. huntu

veil englanniksi

  1. Something hung up, or spread out, to hide an object from view; usually of gauze, crape, or similar diaphanous material, to hide or protect the face.

  2. Bible, Matthew xxvii. 51

  3. The veil of the temple was rent in twain.
  4. Milton

  5. She, as a veil down to the slender waist, / Her unadorned golden tresses wore.
  6. A cover; disguise; a mask; a pretense.

  7. Shakespeare

  8. I will pluck the borrowed veil of modesty from the so seeming Mistress Page.
  9. 2007. Zerzan, John. Silence. p. 4.

  10. Beckett complains that "in the forest of symbols" there is never quiet, and longs to break through the veil of language to silence.
  11. The calyptra of mosses.

  12. A membrane connecting the margin of the pileus of a mushroom with the stalk; a velum.

  13. A covering for a person or thing; as, a caul (especially over the head)

  14. (ux)

  15. puhekieltä velum (gloss)

  16. puhekieltä A thin layer of tissue which is attached to or covers a mushroom.

  17. To put on, or decorate with, a veil.

  18. To conceal as with a veil.

  19. The forest fire was veiled by smoke, but I could hear it clearly.

  20. (nl-verb form of)

  21. venal

  22. Een veile vrouw. — A venal woman.
