

  1. hyödytön, turha

Liittyvät sanat: uselessly, uselessness



tehoton, aikaansaamaton, voimaton, pystymätön, tuottamaton, epäkuntoinen, toimimaton, hyödytön, käyttökelvoton, tarpeeton, turha, hyödyllisyys, tarpeellisuus.


Rimmaavat sanat

useless rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

useless (englanti > suomi)

  1. hyödytön, tarpeeton, turha; kelvoton, käyttökelvoton

  2. turha

  3. hyödytön

  4. onneton, kelvoton

useless englanniksi

  1. Without use or possibility to be used.

  2. This fork has prongs that are bent. Its useless now.''

  3. unhelpful Unhelpful, not useful; pointless (of an action).

  4. I think its useless to keep this discussion going. It's like talking to a wall.''

    I tried my best to make him quit smoking, but my efforts were useless. He now smokes six packs a day.

  5. puhekieltä good-for-nothing; not dependable.

  6. Bill never mows the lawn, takes out the trash or anything. Hes useless, but I love him anyways.''

  7. puhekieltä unable to do well at a particular task or thing. Useless is mildly insulting.

  8. My brother is useless at most computer games, but he is an awesome PS2 player.

    Why do you keep trying? Youre obviously useless at it.''
