


voimassaoleva, voimassa oleva, voimassa, validi, kelpaava.

Rimmaavat sanat

unexpired rimmaa näiden kanssa:

tweed, lied, LED...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

unexpired englanniksi

  1. Not having expired.

  2. 1859, Charles Dickens, The Haunted House

  3. We were then in the third week of November; but, we took our measures so vigorously, and were so well seconded by the friends in whom we confided, that there was still a week of the month unexpired, when our party all came down together merrily, and mustered in the haunted house.
  4. Of food, still edible.

  5. Of an agreement, coupon, or law, still in force.
