


laiton, salainen.

Rimmaavat sanat

under-the-counter rimmaa näiden kanssa:

tonic water, copywriter, bitter, babysitter...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

under-the-counter englanniksi

  1. illicit Illicit, obtained or sold furtively.

  2. The village shop seemed to be a bastion of respectability but those in the know could obtain some very questionable under-the-counter material.

  3. 1962 United States Congressional Serial Sethttp://books.google.co.uk/books?id=TJ0uAAAAIAAJ&q=%22under+the+counter+selling%22&dq=%22under+the+counter+selling%22 by United States Government Printing Office

  4. The frequency of under-the-counter selling is most difficult to ascertain.
  5. 1973, Robert Wallace Winslow, Crime in a Free Society: Selections from the Presidents Commission on Law''

  6. Traffic and distribution of under-the-counter materials appears to be a very minor ... The total market in under-the-counter materials is estimated to be ...
  7. 1988, Gordon Hawkins and Franklin E. Zimring, Pornography in a Free Society,

  8. of material classified as "under-the-counter" was being openly exhibited and openly sold.
