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Englannin sanakirja

troublemaking (englanti > suomi)

  1. rettelöinti

troublemaking englanniksi

  1. Causing trouble.

  2. 2005, (w), "André Malraux: One Man's Fate", New York Times Book Review, 10 Apr 2005:

  3. Moving to Saignon in the mid-1920s, he helped to produce a troublemaking newspaper, LIndochine'', which ventilated the many complaints of the Vietnamese about forced labor, land expropriation, and police brutality.
  4. Causing trouble; acting in a disruptive way

  5. {{quote-journal|date=July 26, 2007|author=Anna Jane Grossman|title=Is Junie B. Jones Talking Trash?|work=New York Times|url=
