

  1. päällys, kuorrutus, (leivonnaisen tms. päälle laitettava) täyte



valio, ylivoimainen, erinomainen, ylivertainen, kuorrute, kuorrutus, jääpeite, glaseeraus, kastike.

Rimmaavat sanat

topping rimmaa näiden kanssa:

camping, dumping, doping, veridoping...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

topping englanniksi

  1. (present participle of)

  2. puhekieltä wonderful

  3. 1953, Roald Dahl, Galloping Foxley

  4. 'Well,' he said, settling back in the seat directly opposite. 'It's a topping day.'
  5. puhekieltä Assuming superiority; proud.

  6. Robert South

  7. A second Ground, upon which Men are apt to persuade themselves, that they shall escape the Stroke of Divine Justice for their Sins, is their Observation of the great and flourishing Condition of some of the topping Sinners of the World.
  8. Any food item added on top of another, such as sprinkles on ice cream or pepperoni on pizza.

  9. The act of cutting off the top of something.

  10. puhekieltä The act of raising one extremity of a spar higher than the other.

  11. puhekieltä Either of the cables that support the ends of a spar or boom.

  12. puhekieltä The tail of an artificial fly.

  13. (l) (of food)
