


aihe, aihelma.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

topos englanniksi

  1. A literary theme or motif; a rhetorical convention or formula.

  2. 2003, w:Roy Porter|Roy Porter, Flesh in the Age of Reason, Penguin (2004), page 239,

  3. The ritual of weighing the soul was an iconographic topos familiar to Christianity from the ceremony of the weighing of sins at the Last Judgement.
  4. puhekieltä A Cartesian closed category which has a subobject classifier.

  5. (l), literary theme.

  6. (l), mathematical structure.

  7. English topos

  8. (monikko) topo|lang=pt

  9. (monikko) topo|lang=es
