

  1. hammas

  2. sahanterän hammas

  3. hammaspyörän hammas

  4. yhteys|kasvitiede|k=en lehden hammas, sahalaidan yksittäinen osa

  5. kamman piikki

  6. yhteys|taide|k=en maalauspohjan, filmin tms. karheus


fine-tooth comb

Liittyvät sanat: toothpaste



keinot, tapa, konsti, särmä, myrkkyhammas, tusk, syöksyhammas, konodontin hammas, rakenne, anatominen rakenne, ruumiinrakenne, hammas.

Englannin sanakirja

tooth (englanti > suomi)

  1. hammas

tooth englanniksi

  1. A hard, calcareous structure present in the mouth of many vertebrate animals, generally used for eating.

  2. A sharp projection on the blade of a saw or similar implement.

  3. A projection on the edge of a gear that meshes with similar projections on adjacent gears, or on the circumference of a cog that engages with a chain.

  4. puhekieltä A pointed projection from the margin of a leaf.

  5. puhekieltä The rough surface of some kinds of cel or other films that allow better adhesion of artwork.

  6. puhekieltä taste; palate

  7. I have a sweet tooth: I love sugary treats.

  8. Dryden

  9. These are not dishes for thy dainty tooth.
  10. puhekieltä An irreducible component of a comb that intersects the handle in exactly one point, that point being distinct from the unique point of intersection for any other tooth of the comb.

  11. To provide or furnish with teeth.

  12. (rfdat) (w)

  13. The twin cards toothed with glittering wire.
  14. To indent; to jag.

  15. to tooth a saw

  16. To lock into each other, like gear wheels.

  17. (rfquotek)
