

  1. hitunen, hippunen



vähäinen määrä, hitunen, häivä, rahtunen, rahtu, hippunen, hiukkanen, hyppysellinen, hiukka, hieman, hiven.

Rimmaavat sanat

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

tittle (englanti > suomi)

  1. hiukkanen

  2. piste

tittle englanniksi

  1. A small, insignificant amount (of something); a vanishing scintilla; a measly crumb; a minute speck.

  2. puhekieltä Any small dot, stroke, or diacritical mark, especially if part of a letter, or if a letter-like abbreviation; in particular, the dots over the Latin letters (term) and (term).

  3. 1590, Bales, The Arte of Brachygraphie (quoted in Daid King's 2001 'The Ciphers of the Monks'):

  4. The foure pricks or tittles are these. The first is a full prick or period. The second is a comma or crooked tittle.
  5. 1965, P. A. Marijnen, The Encyclopedia of the Bible:

  6. The words "jot" and "tittle" in this passage refer to diacritic marks, that is, dashes, dots, or commas added to a letter to accentuate the pronunciation.
  7. 1987, Andrea van Arkel-De Leeuw van Weenen, Möðruvallabók, AM 132 Fol: Index and concordance, page xii:

  8. : (the page calls both "a superscript sign (hooklike)" and also a diacritical abbreviation of ":erOld Norse|er" (:erIcelandic) "tittles")
  9. 2008, Roy Blount, Alphabet juice: the energies, gists, and spirits of letters:

  10. A tittle is more or less the same thing (the dot over an i, for instance), except that it can be traced back to Medieval Latin for a little mark over or under a letter, such as an accent ague or a cedilla. I don't know whether an umlaut is one or two tittles. Maybe it's a jot and a tittle side by side.
