

  1. yhteys|matematiikka|k=en kertaa


\vec n = \pm {\vec x_u \times \vec x_v \over \lVert \vec x_u \times \vec x_v \rVert}

Five 'times' three is fifteen.

:Viisi 'kertaa' kolme on 15.



kertolasku, kertaa, aritmeettinen laskutoimitus, kausi, ajanjakso, aikakausi, periodi, vaihe, nykyaika, nykyhetki, nykymaailma, Rooman valtakunnan aika.

Rimmaavat sanat

times rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

times (englanti > suomi)

  1. kertaa

times englanniksi

  1. (monikko) time|lang=en

  2. The circumstances of a certain time.

  3. (quote-magazine)

  4. (ux)

  5. A person's experiences or biography.

  6. product Product of the previous number and the following number.

  7. Four times five is twenty.

    One times one is one.

  8. (en-third-person singular of)

  9. puhekieltä To multiply.

  10. 1994, Harvey Mellar, Learning with artificial worlds: computer-based modelling in the curriculum

  11. I've taken the calories and the amount of food . . . and it's 410 calories per portion timesed by 6 portions which (SI) the answer was 2460 calories...
  12. 1995, Mathematical Association, The Australian mathematics teacher, Volumes 51-53

  13. A student as junior as Year 4 informed me that he made a forward estimate of cheeses in 100 trials by 'timesing both numbers by 10'...
  14. 1998, Psychology of mathematics education, Volume 2

  15. Alex: Yeah - if you're timesing that distance there by this height, it will disappear.
  16. (genitive singular indefinite of)

  17. (inflection of)

  18. (es-verb form of)
