

  1. uhkaava


Narcissists do not like when others start to figure them out. They take it as a huge insult to their intelligence that they were not smart enough to continue pulling wool over their targets eyes. That's when they obsess over you, deem you 'threatening' and are set to destroy you.



huolestuttava, turmiollinen, pelottava, uhkaava, pahaenteinen, pilvinen, synkkä, synkeä.

Rimmaavat sanat

threatening rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

threatening (englanti > suomi)

  1. uhkaava

threatening englanniksi

  1. (present participle of)

  2. Presenting a threat; menacing; frightening.

  3. An act of threatening; a threat.

  4. 1526, (w), trans. Bible, Acts IV:

  5. And nowe lorde beholde their threatenynges, and graunte unto thy servauntes wyth all confydence to speake thy worde.
  6. Charles Dickens, Pincher Astray

  7. The butcher's boy — a fierce and beefy youth, who openly defied the dog, and waved him off with hurlings of his basket and threatenings of his feet, accompanied by growls of "Git out, yer beast!" — now entered silently (..)
