

  1. henkinen paine, jännittyneisyys

  2. jännitys, kireys

  3. (sähkötekniikka) jännite

Liittyvät sanat: tense



venyttäminen, kiristys, kiristäminen, tasapaino, jännite, rasite, rasitus, jännitys, stressi, jännittyneisyys.

Rimmaavat sanat

tension rimmaa näiden kanssa:

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

tension (englanti > suomi)

  1. jännitys

  2. jännite

  3. jännittää

tension englanniksi

  1. Condition of being held in a state between two or more forces, which are acting in opposition to each other

  2. psychological Psychological state of being tense.

  3. A feeling of nervousness, excitement, or fear that is created in a movie, book, etc.; suspense.

  4. puhekieltä State of an elastic object which is stretched in a way which increases its length.

  5. puhekieltä Force transmitted through a rope, string, cable, or similar object (used with prepositions on, in, or of, e.g., "The tension in the cable is 1000 N", to convey that the same magnitude of force applies to objects attached to both ends).

  6. puhekieltä voltage Voltage. Usually only the terms low tension, high tension, and extra-high tension, and the abbreviations LT, HT, and EHT are used. They are not precisely defined; LT is normally a few volts, HT a few hundreds of volts, and EHT thousands of volts.

  7. To place an object in tension, to pull or place strain on.

  8. We tensioned the cable until it snapped.

  9. (eo-form of)

  10. taivutettu muoto

  11. English tension

  12. blood pressure

  13. (ux)

  14. voltage
