

  1. (tekstiili) tartaani



kudos, kangas, materiaali, tekstiili, kude, vaate, skottiruutuinen villakangas, tartaani, villavaippa.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

tartan (englanti > suomi)

  1. skottiruutuinen

tartan englanniksi

  1. A kind of woven woollen cloth with a distinctive pattern of coloured stripes intersecting at right angles, associated with Scottish Highlanders, different clans having their own distinctive patterns.

  2. The pattern associated with such material.

  3. An individual or a group wearing tartan; a Highlander or Scotsman in general.

  4. Trade name of a synthetic resin, used for surfacing tracks etc.

  5. Having a pattern like a tartan.

  6. 1929, (w), (w), Chapter IX, Section iii

  7. In the second row of the cavalcade were Francie, Fanny's god-daughter, now thirteen years old and already elegant in long frilled pantalettes, tartan skirts, and a leghorn hat with streamers, …
  8. puhekieltä Scottish.

  9. puhekieltä To clothe in tartan.

  10. A type of one-masted vessel used in the Mediterranean.

  11. 1877, (w), Ellen E. Frewer (translator), s:Hector Servadac (Frewer translation)/Part 2 Chapter X|Hector Servadac, Part 2, Chapter X: Market Prices in Gallia,

  12. Hakkabut hereupon descended into the hold of the tartan, and soon returned, carrying ten packets of tobacco, each weighing one kilogramme, and securely fastened by strips of paper, labelled with the French Government stamp.
  13. 1896, (w), s:Rodney Stone/Chapter IV|Rodney Stone, Chapter IV: The Peace of Amiens,

  14. When we were watching Massena, off Genoa, we got a matter of seventy schooners, brigs, and tartans, with wine, food, and powder.
  15. tartanEnglish tartan (gloss)

  16. tartanEnglish tartan (gloss) (defdate)
