
Rimmaavat sanat

swineflesh rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

swineflesh englanniksi

  1. The flesh or meat of a pig; pork.

  2. 1886, Stanley Lane-Poole, The story of the Moors in Spain:

  3. If Malaga fell, then the Alhambra must also pass into the hands of the "eaters of swineflesh."
  4. 1918, Padraic Colum, Homer, The childrens Homer'':

  5. Eumaeus carved the swineflesh, giving the best portion to Odysseus whom he treated as the guest of honor.
  6. 1943, Edison Marshall, Great Smith: Issue 689:

  7. "Don't you know, you giaour dog, the thing e'en more repellent than swineflesh to a virtuous daughter of Islam?
  8. 2007, James D. Tabor, The Jesus Dynasty:

  9. “Abstain from swineflesh, blood, things offered to idols, and carrion”
  10. 2010, Kai Borrmann, Jews in the Quran:

  11. He hath forbidden you only carrion, and blood, and swineflesh, and that which hath been immolated to (the name of) any other than Allah.
