

  1. kestävä, pysyvä

  2. ympäristöä säästävä

Liittyvät sanat: sustainable development

Rimmaavat sanat

sustainable rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

sustainable (englanti > suomi)

  1. pysyvä

  2. kestävä, ympäristöä säästävä

sustainable englanniksi

  1. Able to be sustained.

  2. Able to be produced or sustained for an indefinite period without damaging the environment, or without depleting a resource; renewable.

  3. 2008, Kate L. Harrison, The Green Bride Guide, ISBN 140221345X, page 174

  4. In addition to the resources listed in the organic and local food sections earlier, a good source of sustainable meat is Heritage Foods USA (
  5. 2008 August–October, Dawn Brighid, "A Taste of Hope", in Organic Gardening, ISSN 1536-108X, volume 55, number 6, page 73

  6. Some critics have asserted that sustainable food is "elitist"; that it's too expensive and not widely available.
  7. 2010, w:Anthony Bourdain|Anthony Bourdain, w:Medium Raw|Medium Raw, ISBN 9780061718946, page 129

  8. A city on a hill—or many cities on hills—surrounded by unbroken vistas of beautiful countryside; small, thriving, family-run farms growing organic, seasonal, and sustainable fruits and vegetables specific to the region.
