


taipuisa, notkea, joustava, siro, sulava, sulavaliikkeinen, sulavalinjainen, viehkeä, viehättävä, vetreä, solakka, keijumainen.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

supple (englanti > suomi)

  1. taipuisa, notkea

  2. taipuisa, myöntyvä

supple englanniksi

  1. pliant, flexible, easy to bend

  2. lithe and agile when moving and bending

  3. supple joints; supple fingers

  4. compliant; yielding to the will of others

  5. a supple horse

  6. John Locke

  7. If punishment (..) makes not the will supple, it hardens the offender.
  8. To make or become supple.

  9. Dryden

  10. The stones (..) suppled into softness as they fell.
  11. Spenser

  12. The flesh therewith she suppled and did steep.
  13. To make compliant, submissive, or obedient.

  14. a mother persisting till she had bent her daughter's mind and suppled her will
  15. Barrow

  16. They should supple our stiff willfulness.
  17. (inflection of)
