

  1. ohjaus

  2. valvonta


(1) a person younger than eighteen years of age, who in a school or other institution is subject to the authority or supervision of the offender or in another comparable manner subordinate to the offender,

to require supervision

under supervision

Liittyvät sanat: surveillance



hallinta, johtaminen, johto, ohjaus, ohjaaminen, valvominen, tarkkaaminen, valvonta.

Rimmaavat sanat

supervision rimmaa näiden kanssa:

jam session...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

supervision (englanti > suomi)

  1. valvonta

supervision englanniksi

  1. The act or instance of supervise supervising.

  2. Under his parents supervision he drilled the holes in the wood.''

  3. Responsible oversight.

  4. Do not attempt this without adequate supervision.

  5. puhekieltä A tutorial session for an individual student or a small group.

  6. (l)
