

  1. pylväspyhimys, styliitta



kieltäymyksen harjoittaja, askeetti, pylväspyhimys.

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Englannin sanakirja

stylite (englanti > suomi)

  1. pylväspyhimys, styliitta

stylite englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A Christian ascetic in ancient times who lived alone on top of a tall pillar.

  2. 1997, (w), A Short History of Byzantium, Penguin 1998, p. 53:

  3. Daniel, the famous stylite of the city, actually descended from his pillar for the first time in fifteen years, terrifying Basiliscus into the withdrawal of his edict.
  4. 2009, (w), A History of Christianity, Penguin 2010, p. 208:

  5. Stylites often became major players in Church politics, shouting down their theological pronouncements from their little elevated balconies to the expectant crowds below, or giving personalized advice to those favoured enough to climb the ladder and join them on their platform.
  6. (inflection of)
