

  1. voima, voimakkuus, väkevyys

  2. miesluku, vahvuus (taistelussa)



hauras, kovatekoinen, vankka, voimakas, vahva, terävä, voimaton, väkivahva, voimakkuus, väkevyys, tehokkuus, vahvuus, teho.


Englannin sanakirja

strength (englanti > suomi)

  1. voimakkuus, voima

strength englanniksi

  1. The quality or degree of being strong.

  2. (ux)

  3. (w) (1564-1616)

  4. Our castle's strength will laugh a siege to scorn.
  5. (quote-book)|chapter=5

  6. The intensity of a force or power; potency.

  7. 1699, (w), Heads designed for an essay on conversations

  8. Study gives strength to the mind; conversation, grace: the first apt to give stiffness, the other suppleness: one gives substance and form to the statue, the other polishes it.
  9. The strongest part of something; that on which confidence or reliance is based.

  10. Bible, (w) xlvi. 1

  11. God is our refuge and strength.
  12. (w) (1613–1677)

  13. Certainly there is not a greater strength against temptation.
  14. A positive attribute.

  15. puhekieltä A strong place; a stronghold.

  16. (rfquotek)

  17. Milton

  18. He thought
    This inaccessible high strength to have seiz'd.
