


siivilä, sihti, lävikkö, suodatin, seula, teesiivilä.

Rimmaavat sanat

strainer rimmaa näiden kanssa:

designer, manner, tanner, sotatanner, taistelutanner, kinner...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

strainer (englanti > suomi)

  1. siivilä

strainer englanniksi

  1. A device through which a liquid is passed for purification, filtering or separation from solid matter; anything (including a screen or a cloth) used to strain a liquid; any device functioning as a sieve or filter - in special, a perforated screen or openwork (usually at the end of a suction pipe of a pump), used to prevent solid bodies from mixing in a liquid stream or flowline.

  2. One who strains.

  3. 2008, Kirby I. Bland, ‎Michael G. Sarr, ‎Markus W. Büchler, General Surgery: Principles and International Practice (page 843)

  4. An important factor with respect to recurrence of rectal prolapse is the fact that many of these patients are chronic strainers.
