

  1. ommel, (ompelu-)pisto, tikki

  2. pistävä kipu

  3. tikki

Liittyvät sanat: suture



virkkaussilmukka, silmukka, silmä, ompelus, ompelutyö, ompelupisto, kirjonta, koruommel, tikki, ommel, pisto, kipu, pistos.

Rimmaavat sanat

stitch rimmaa näiden kanssa:

high tech, hi-tech, sandwich, brunch, kitsch...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

stitch (englanti > suomi)

  1. tikki, ommel, pisto

  2. ommel

  3. pistos

  4. kudos

stitch englanniksi

  1. A single pass of a needle in sewing; the loop or turn of the thread thus made.

  2. An arrangement of stitches in sewing, or method of stitching in some particular way or style.

  3. cross stitch

    herringbone stitch

  4. puhekieltä An intense stabbing pain under the lower edge of the ribcage, caused by internal organs pulling downwards on the diaphragm during exercise.

  5. A single turn of the thread round a needle in knitting; a link, or loop, of yarn

  6. drop a stitch

    take up a stitch

  7. An arrangement of stitches in knitting, or method of knitting in some particular way or style.

  8. A space of work taken up, or gone over, in a single pass of the needle.

  9. Hence, by extension, any space passed over; distance.

  10. You have gone a good stitch. — w:John Bunyan|John Bunyan.

    In Syria the husbandmen go lightly over with their plow, and take no deep stitch in making their furrows. — Holland.

  11. A local sharp pain; an acute pain, like the piercing of a needle.

  12. a stitch in the side

  13. w:Gilbert Burnet|Gilbert Burnet

  14. He was taken with a cold and with stitches, which was, indeed, a pleurisy.
  15. puhekieltä A contortion, or twist.

  16. Marston

  17. If you talk, Or pull your face into a stitch again, I shall be angry.
  18. puhekieltä Any least part of a fabric or dress.

  19. to wet every stitch of clothes.

    She didnt have a stitch on''

  20. A furrow.

  21. (rfquotek)

  22. To form stitches in; especially, to sew in such a manner as to show on the surface a continuous line of stitches.

  23. to stitch a shirt bosom.

  24. To sew, or unite or attach by stitches.

  25. to stitch printed sheets in making a book or a pamphlet.

  26. {{quote-journal

  27. puhekieltä To form land into ridges.

  28. puhekieltä To practice/practise stitching or needlework.

  29. puhekieltä To combine two or more photographs of the same scene into a single image.

  30. I can use this software to stitch together a panorama.
