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Rimmaavat sanat

squeak rimmaa näiden kanssa:

tie-break, teak...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

squeak (englanti > suomi)

  1. vinkua, kitistä

  2. vasikoida, juoruta

squeak englanniksi

  1. A short, high-pitched sound, as of two objects rubbing together, or the calls of small animals.

  2. puhekieltä A card game similar to group solitaire.

  3. puhekieltä A narrow squeak.

  4. 1905, E. W. Hornung, A Thief in the Night

  5. "I had the very devil of a squeak for it," he went on. "I did the hurdles over two or three garden-walls, but so did the flyer who was on my tracks, and he drove me back into the straight and down to High Street like any lamplighter. (..)
  6. puhekieltä To emit a short, high-pitched sound.

  7. (quote-journal) (Property)|date=17 August 2014|passage=But I must warn you that chipboard floors are always likely to squeak. The material is still being used in new-builds, but developers now use adhesive to bed and joint it, rather than screws or nails. I suspect the adhesive will eventually embrittle and crack, resulting in the same squeaking problems as before.

  8. puhekieltä To inform, to squeal.

  9. Dryden

  10. If he be obstinate, put a civil question to him upon the rack, and he squeaks, I warrant him.
  11. puhekieltä To speak or sound in a high-pitched manner.

  12. puhekieltä To empty the pile of 13 cards a player deals to themself in the card game of the same name.

  13. puhekieltä To win or progress by a narrow margin.

  14. 1999, Surfer (volume 40, issues 7-12)

  15. (..) allowing Parkinson to squeak into the final by a half-point margin.
  16. {{quote-journal
