

  1. villieläimen jälki; polku; jätös


Spoors of deer betrayed its location.

:Peuran jäljet(jätös;polku) paljastivat sen sijainnin.



jäljet, jälki, vana.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

spoor englanniksi

  1. The track, trail, droppings or scent of an animal

  2. 1971, William S. Burroughs, The Wild Boys: A Book of the Dead, page 10

  3. Now he has picked up the spoor of drunken vomit and there is the doll sprawled against a wall, his pants streaked with urine.
  4. 1918, (w), w:The Land That Time Forgot (novel)|The Land That Time Forgot Chapter VIII

  5. Even poor Nobs appeared dejected as we quit the compound and set out upon the well-marked spoor of the abductor.
  6. puhekieltä To track an animal by following its spoor

  7. track

  8. railway track

  9. trace

  10. English spoor

  11. lead, trail, clue

  12. spur

  13. spore
