

  1. erikoisuus, erikoisala



ura, kutsumus, ammatti, työura, erikoistuminen, erikoisala, yksilöllisyys, individualismi, yksilökohtaisuus, erikoisuus, erikoisluonne, erityispiirre, erikoinen ominaisuus, ominaispiirre, heikko kohta, maneeri, avu, etu, valtti, hyvä puoli, plussa, voimavara, vahva puoli, vahvuus, oma ala, erikoistaito, spesialiteetti, viherpeukalo.

Rimmaavat sanat

specialty rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

specialty (englanti > suomi)

  1. erikoisuus, erikoisala, spesialiteetti

  2. erikoistapaus

  3. erityispiirre

specialty englanniksi

  1. That in which one specializes; a chosen expertise or talent.

  2. They cook well overall, but their true specialty is pasta.

  3. Charles Kingsley:

  4. Men of boundless knowledge, like Humbold, must have had once their specialty, their pet subject.
  5. puhekieltä particularity

  6. Shakespeare:

  7. Specialty of rule hath been neglected.
  8. A particular or peculiar case.

  9. An attribute or quality peculiar to a species.

  10. puhekieltä A contract or obligation under seal; a contract by deed; a writing, under seal, given as security for a debt particularly specified.

  11. (rfquotek)

  12. Shakespeare

  13. Let specialties be therefore drawn between us.
  14. Joseph Chitty

  15. (..) in a plea to an action of debt on specialty, it is still necessary to show that the debt on which the judgment was recovered was a speciality, or to aver that the judgment was recovered before the defendant had notice of the plaintiff's demand (..)
