

  1. niittysuolaheinä



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sorrel rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

sorrel (englanti > suomi)

  1. suolaheinä

sorrel englanniksi

  1. A kind of plant with acidic leaves, especially Rumex acetosa ((vern)), sometimes used as a salad vegetable.

  2. The roselle, (taxlink).

  3. A drink, consumed especially in the Caribbean around Christmas, made from the flowers of Hibiscus sabdariffa: (w).

  4. 2007, African and Caribbean Celebrations (ISBN 1903458005), page 56:

  5. Now, many people drink alcohol, but when I was a child I remember drinking sorrel, ginger beer and drinks made from fresh fruits such as soursop and passion-fruit. Sorrel was prepared over a long period, not as quickly as it is now.
  6. 2009, C. C. Alick, Dancing with the Yumawalli: Inspired by True Events, page 62:

  7. For instance, one day we were sitting on the porch, looking down at the lagoon and the yachts from all over the world. He was drinking ginger beer mixed with rum, and I was drinking sorrel. No rum. Out of nowhere, he proposed.
  8. 2012, Claudette Beckford-Brady, Sweet Home, Jamaica, page 390:

  9. Joy and the parents did not go either; we spent a quiet day at home, eating roast chicken and stuffing with our own green-gungu rice and peas, and drinking sorrel.
  10. A brown colour, with a tint of red.

  11. (color panel)

  12. Of a brown colour, with a tint of red. (qualifier)
