

  1. lumihiutale

  2. yhteys|slangi|halventava|k=en nk. uniikki lumihiutale; henkilö, varsinkin nuori, joka pitää itseään uniikkina, on korrekti ja loukkaantuu vähästä



sirkku, pulmuset, Plectrophenax-suku, pulmunen, Plectrophenax nivalis, lumihiutale, hiutale, kide, lumi, hanki.

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Englannin sanakirja

snowflake (englanti > suomi)

  1. lumihiutale

snowflake englanniksi

  1. A crystal of snow, having approximate hexagonal symmetry.

  2. Any of several bulbous European plants, of the genus (taxlink), having white flowers.

  3. The snow bunting, (taxlink).

  4. puhekieltä Someone who believes they are as unique and special as a snowflake; someone hypersensitive to insult or offense, especially a young person with left-wing sensibilities.

  5. *1996, (w), Fight Club:

  6. You are not special. You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same organic and decaying matter as everyone else.
  7. *2016, Rebecca Nicholson, The Guardian, 28 November:

  8. It’s particularly effective given that there’s really no comeback to it: in calling someone a snowflake, you are not just shutting down their opinion, but telling them off for being offended that you are doing so.
  9. (label) A type of lesion that appears as scattered white-brown spots under high magnification light microscopy.

  10. (quote-book)

  11. Something that is unique in every presentation.

  12. (quote-journal)

  13. puhekieltä A Caucasian person.

  14. puhekieltä To arrange (data) into a (w).
