

  1. ryyppy, huikka

  2. konjakkilasi, armonilasi



lasi, juomalasi, konjakkilasi, aromilasi.

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snifter rimmaa näiden kanssa:

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

snifter (englanti > suomi)

  1. naukku

  2. aromilasi

snifter englanniksi

  1. A small alcoholic drink.

  2. 1917, w:Edgar Rice Burroughs|Edgar Rice Burroughs, The Oakdale Affair, ch. 1:

  3. "I guess you're a regular all right. Here, have a snifter?" and he pulled a flask from his side pocket, holding it toward The Oskaloosa Kid.
  4. A pear-shaped glass for drinking brandy or other alcoholic beverages.

  5. 2003 Jan. 20, ",9171,409643,00.html Getting Saucy," Time:

  6. He springs to another wooden vat and turns a valve, filling a snifter with a warm amber liquid. . . . Bang holds the liquid up to the light, swirls it around, takes a sniff of the pungent bouquet, puts the glass to his lips—and gives a satisfied smile.
