

  1. yhteys|alatyyliä|halventava|k=en lutka

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avionrikkoja, haureuden harjoittaja, huorintekijä, lutka, naikkonen, nainen, tytönletukka, kevytkenkäinen nainen, huora, hutsu, portto, narttu, homssu, sottainen nainen, köntys, lössykkä, vetelys, porsas, epäsiisti ihminen, sottainen ihminen, sikailija, laiskuri.

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slut rimmaa näiden kanssa:

sisuskalut, sisäkalut, port salut, juhlavalmistelut, sotavalmistelut, jouluvalmistelut, lähtövalmistelut, hallitustunnustelut, rauhanneuvottelut, hallitusneuvottelut...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

slut (englanti > suomi)

  1. lutka

  2. ämmä, eukko

  3. narttu

  4. palvelijatar

slut englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A sexually promiscuous woman or girl.

  2. Shes a slut, but I love her.''

  3. puhekieltä By extension, a prostitute.

  4. You could hire a slut for a few hours, if youre that desperate.''

  5. puhekieltä A man with the above qualities, often a gay man.

  6. 2005, w:Adam_%26_Steve Adam & Steve

  7. Before he met you, he was such a whore. No, Im sorry! Whores get pay paid. He was a slut.''
  8. puhekieltä A slovenly, untidy person, usually a woman.

  9. 1600 (C.E): William Shakespeare, As you like it

  10. Clo. Truly, and to cast away honestie vppon a foule slut, were to put good meate into an vncleane dish. \ Aud. I am not a slut, though I thanke the Goddes I am foule.
  11. 1602 (C.E): William Shakespeare, The Merry Wives of Windsor

  12. Where fires thou find’st unrak’d, and hearths unswept, \ There pinch the Maids as blew as Bill-berry, \ Our radiant Queene, hates Sluts, and Sluttery.
  13. {{quote-book

  14. puhekieltä A bold, outspoken woman.

  15. 1728 (C.E): John Gay, Begger’s Opera

  16. Our Polly is a sad Slut! nor heeds what we have taught her.
  17. puhekieltä A female dog.

  18. 1852 (C.E): Susanna Moodie, Roughing it in the Bush

  19. ‘Bete!’ returned the angry Frenchman, bestowing a savage kick on one of the unoffending pups which was frisking about his feet. The pup yelped; the slut barked and leaped furiously at the offender, and was only kept from biting him by Sam, who could scarcely hold her back for laughing; the captain was uproarious; the offended Frenchman alone maintained a severe and dignified aspect. The dogs were at length dismissed, and peace restored.
  20. puhekieltä A maid.

  21. 1664 (C.E): Samuel Pepys, The Diary of Samuel Pepys

  22. Our little girl Susan is a most admirable slut, and pleases us mightily, doing more service than both the others and deserves wages better.
  23. puhekieltä A rag soaked in a flammable substance and lit for illumination.

  24. To wear slutty clothing or makeup, or otherwise behave in a slutty manner.

  25. puhekieltä To visit places frequented by men, with the intention of engaging in sexual intercourse by means of flirting.

  26. 1998, w:David Baldacci|David Baldacci, The Winner:

  27. Shirley, you slut around here again, and I swear to God I'll break your neck.
  28. over

  29. finished

  30. puhekieltä (def) (gloss)

  31. end

  32. (imperative of)

  33. crippled

  34. ugly

  35. over, finished; which has come to an end

  36. Deras förhållande är slut.

    Their relationship is over.

  37. gone, no more, 'the last is taken'

  38. Kakorna är slut.

    There are no more cookies.

  39. exhausted; very tired

  40. Jag tyckte om slutet av boken.

    I liked the end of the book.

  41. (sv-verb-form-imp)
