

  1. pilvenpiirtäjä

Liittyvät sanat: high-rise



rakennus, Empire State Building, Petronas Towers, Sears Tower, pilvenpiirtäjä, World Trade Center, WTC, kaksoistornit.

Rimmaavat sanat

skyscraper rimmaa näiden kanssa:

per, vesper...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

skyscraper (englanti > suomi)

  1. pilvenpiirtäjä

skyscraper englanniksi

  1. A very tall building with a large number of floors.

  2. 1910, (w), The House of Mystery,

  3. As the curve of Sandy Hook blotted from sight the last, low glimpse of the skyscrapers which point Manhattan, Blake touched Annette's arm.
  4. 1912, (w), The Sorcery Club,

  5. The solitary attic—if one could thus designate a space of about three square feet—which comprised Hamar's lodging—had the advantage of being situated in the top storey of a skyscraper—at least a skyscraper for that part of the city.
  6. 1917, Herman Gastrell Seely, A Son of the City: A Story of Boy Life,

  7. Then he noticed, as a prosaic business man will notice suddenly, that a skyscraper which he has passed daily for months is out of line with its neighbor, that the seat behind the new little girl was unoccupied and that she stood alone in the aisle during exercises.
  8. (quote-magazine)

  9. puhekieltä A small sail atop a mast of a ship.

  10. puhekieltä Anything very tall or high.

  11. 1920, (w), The Redheaded Outfield and other Baseball Stories,

  12. It was no surprise to see Hanley bat a skyscraper out to left.
